THE UVIC VOCAL JAZZ MAINSTREAM & IMPROVISATIONAL ENSEMBLE has established a reputation for artistic excellence, stylistic flexibility and performances of original and inspiring arrangements. In addition to highly successful performances at the Powell River Vocal Summit and the Frank Demiero Jazz Fest, UVJMIE was the choral ensemble for The Best of Queen concert series with JEANS 'N CLASSICS and the VICTORIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA under Maestro Giuseppe Pietraroia. The Ensemble is well known for its fun-filled, filled-to-capacity audience engaging concerts. Our Autumn and Spring Vocal Jazz Showcases feature the Signature Studio Ensemble and various Spotlight Combos including Ellavation, and the UVic Vocal Jazz Stage Orchestra. The Ensemble has opened for the internationally acclaimed vocal groups GROOVE FOR THOUGHT and THE REAL GROUP, Canadian sensation COUNTERMEASURE, and has received high praise from legends Kirby Shaw and Dave Barduhn, and from master educators Vijay Singh, Peter Taylor and Janet Warren. Among our many distinguished alumni are MIKE EDEL and TWIN KENNEDY.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

UVic Vocal Jazz at Christ Church Cathedral - massed choirs.

Click on image to Enlarge

Sing! Choirs of Angels is a massed choir event at Christ Church (Anglican) Cathedral December 4th, 8pm (doors at 7:15). Tickets at the door.

The concert features the Vocal Jazz Ensemble, UVic Chamber Singers (Dr. Gary Froese), UVic Women's Choir (Susan Young) and the University of Victoria Chorus (Dr. Adam Con) performing as individual groups and en masse.

The choirs are joined by brass, string and percussion students from the School of Music.

The program includes works arranged by W. Clanton for voice, percussion and cello.
  • Joy! featuring Margaret Lingas, soprano;
  • Lullay Thou Little Child featuring altos Natasha Penfield, Micha Fortin and Jilaine Orton with Alex Klassen, cello;
  • Ukrainian Carol of the Bells featuring Blake Palm, contrabass.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Autumn Showcase: November 22nd, Sunday, 8pm.

Charts/arrangements by Pentatonix, Shaw, Clanton, Steely Dan, Evans, Kosma and more!

Combos include: the Jazz Chorale, 16 voices, 13 voices, combined groups and combos.

Click on image to Enlarge

Friday, 30 October 2015

Solo Lift: Brittney

Brittney performs her solo lift in the combined rehearsal class.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Vocal Jazz Chorale Day 2015

The season is off to a great start!

This past weekend members of the UVic Vocal Jazz Chorale participated in an intensive rehearsal retreat day. Many thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the Day!

Goals and Learning Outcomes

The purpose of the Retreat Day is to foster engagement and esprit de corps, refinement of fundamentals and performance/presentation skills.

Students develop collaborative performance skills under the guidance of the Director and senior student directors. Student conductors are given the opportunity to test their rehearsal skills.

Many lighthearted moments.
Altos at work!

Taylor with tenors.

Jillian & Margaret

Women's sectional with Margaret

Men's sectional with Nicholas

Chorale Performance Executive

Coordinator & Soprano Leader—Allison
Alto Leader: Allie
Tenor Leader: Ethan
Bass Leader: Zachary

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Auditions 2015

The Vocal Jazz Ensemble has successfully eased into its new curriculum, a curriculum developed over the past 5 years and implemented this year to accommodate, once again, all interested singers who want to register in Vocal Jazz as a large ensemble for credit.

The Wednesday Meet & Greet drew a crowd of some 78 interested singers from a wide variety of backgrounds. The Ensemble is open to students and participants from the wider local community.

An able audition team comprised of select senior members under the guidance of the Director conducted placement auditions for both a large group (up to 50 voices) and a smaller touring group of 16 voices that together constitute the UVic Vocal Jazz Ensemble.

Auditions resulted in all singers who auditioned being accepted. The larger UVic Jazz Chorale numbers 35 voices and the UVJAZZ ensemble is, as mentioned, comprised of 16 voices (4 x SATB).

A special note of thanks to the Audition Team—Taylor, Micha, Natasha, Cody, Sophie, Kenji, Margaret and Nicholas—for their conscientious work and important contribution to the success of the Ensemble! Many thanks, also, to the other members of the executive who provided guidance to both the Audition Team and incoming singers!

Congratulations to all singers for their efforts and skill!

Onward and upward toward the first concert in November!

Audition Panel

Candidates in Audition

Wednesday Score Reading and Organizational Meeting
Some members of the JAZZ CHORALE.

Wednesday Score Reading and Organizational Meet
Some members of UVJAZZ.

Making Recruitment Banners

Recruitment Team - bringing the invitation to students.

Recruitment Team Sining at the Welcome BBQ

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Meet & Greet 2015 September

The Meet & Greet is an opportunity for all students to hang out, participate in an informal singalong, review the Audition Material before the Monday audition, ask questions, familiarize themselves with the Audition process, chat about the Ensemble and any other vocal jazz topic.

Expect to sing, move to the rhythm of the music, play a few voice games and have fun!

The Ensemble is for credit (MUS180H - 480H). So register today! There's a place for everyone in the Ensemble.

Check out the details below!


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

2015 Audition Material

Draft versions of the Audition pieces are now available at the 2015 Audition page in the left column, or click HERE.

Hard copies of the Audition pieces will be distributed at the Wednesday, Sept. 9th Meet & Greet!

Join us at the Meet & Greet
for a singalong
and review of the
Audition process!

Everyone welcome!

Saturday, 11 April 2015

A few scenes from 2014 2015 Season

Keenan & Blake

Pre Dress Rehearsal Fun

Christ Church Cathedral December 2014

Reynolds Secondary March 2015

Reynolds Secondary March 2015

2015 UVic

Monday, 23 March 2015

Spring Showcase 2015!

Click on image to Enlarge

Sunday March 29th
PT Young Recital Hall
UVic School of Music
Admission Free
Donations Appreciated